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Ray on the Run PT2

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 11:40 am
by Ray_Clark
Hey! Sorry for the long delay. I got caught up in this Madden Madness thing and I've haven't been online lately. Where was I; oh yes I remember. I've just left X-site and caught the 19 bus back downtown to particpate in the DDR League at Gameworks. After another loooong trip, I've finally arrived and I proceeded to the arcade. This tournament was obviously different from the PUI tourney cause I know how 2 play DDR, yet the competition level was going to be higher though. Four ppl only showed up but they started the tourney anyways. It was me, Matt, somebody name Derrick, and another guy name Alex. I think that's his name. :lol: Anywho, they determined the who was playing who by having us play this song called "A" to determined our seeds. I was a bit worried cause I'm like a hit or miss on that song. Matt, of course had AA, Derrick had a B, and Alex had a B. I end up doing very well and scored a A, which slightly shocked Matt :) . I was seeded #2 behind Matt and I had to face Alex. I was thrilled that I was placed so high, yet, as it turned out, it really doesn't matter where u placed. Alex chose the first song which was Witch Doctor. Bad news for me cause I do not know that song. He easily won that one. I chose Esctacy(Probably didnt spell it right) for the next song. Won that one by a huge margin. Were tied so we chose random for the last one. It was Rhythem and Police. Don't know that one neither did Alex. Both of us failed that song sothey tally up the points we earned from the two songs we completed and h Alex was by 11 points. I wasn't surprised though I could've done better. Matt beat Derrick so I had to face Derrick in the losers bracket. I was beaten by Derrick in the match. I forgot the songs we did but I remember the next song I had won but Derrick did his turn over cause the infamouse "Left Pad" was broke. He got a totally high scored and he swept me. Although I came short in two tourneys in one day, I still had fun that day. Met new ppl, traveled all day, and I was tired. Hopefully tommorrow I can be better than I was last week. Hope u enjoyed my Ray on the Run story. Might have boring,but I needed to tell someone. :wink:

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 11:52 am
by MonMotha
Do we really need multiple topics for this? Locked.