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Toxcity Tournys

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 10:39 am
by Spartan_117
I know alot of you might have heard and maybe been to toxcity once or twice, maybe some are very avid of the gaming center. I just want to see if I can get a party of people on my team for the March 20th event.

It is a Halo 2 4v4 tourny. I have one person (who is a 23 on xbox live)
Who might be going. If you wanna go to this just PM me or message me on Xbox live. My gamertag is chiefownsj00, I'm a 14 on xbox live just to let you know.

There is also a Rookie Tournament this Sunday and I already have a team for that.

Some of you guys need to show up sometime at Toxcity and we'll play some halo 2 or some other game.