New Forum Smell

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New Forum Smell

Post by Ho » Tue Apr 24, 2018 10:04 am

There hasn't been a news post since 2013. And, I'll be honest, that's because almost nothing has changed in that long. But today I'm pleased to announce a semi-major development that only 18 of you are likely to even notice: we've made the jump from phpBB 3.0 to phpBB 3.2. This completely skips over the entire 3.1 series because that's just how far behind I am.

This change was driven largely by the retirement of reCAPTCHA v1 by Google in favor of v2. Spambot registrations have been the biggest maintenance headache around here in the past few years, and I'm hoping v2 will help solve that. Plus, registrations have been completely busted for the past 3 weeks since v1 has been dead and I hadn't switched to a different method.

I felt like upgrading to 3.2 would be easier than trying to mod reCAPTCHA v2 into our ancient 3.0 installation. Plus, I'm sure there have been a lot of new features, enhancements, and security fixes in the meantime. The reason only 18 of you are likely to notice--and, let's be real, only about 4 of those are likely to sign in anytime soon--is that 18 is the number of whiny babies who fear change that were still using the subsilver style instead of the prosilver style.

I had to disable subsilver to do the upgrade from 3.0 to 3.2. The 3.2 prosilver is a pretty subtle change from 3.0, but I'm sure you subsilver holdouts just had your worlds turned inside out. I won't promise that subsilver will be making a return anytime soon...if at all. Welcome to 2008, y'all. You've had an extra decade with the old style. It's time to let go.

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Re: New Forum Smell

Post by Ho » Tue Apr 24, 2018 10:33 am

It looks like you can set a region for timezones now and not just a UTC offset. The toggle for summer time also appears to be missing. Does this mean that DST is managed automatically by phpBB now? I guess we'll find out in November. Or, at least I will, since none of the rest of you will actually set this option. :P
timezone.PNG (52 KiB) Viewed 20340 times

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Re: New Forum Smell

Post by Merk » Tue Apr 24, 2018 11:02 am

I am fucking pissed that subsilver is gone forever. Now my daily IndyDDR experience is forever tainted and I have to look to the right to see who made a post instead of looking to the left and peeping the avatar.

Guys, we read from left to right, it makes no God damn sense for the user info to be on the right. Most people are more concerned with who is making the post rather than what is being said. I'm all about change and being progressive and all that agreeable shit but the layout of prosilver is an utter shit-mess and I cannot believe someone made a conscious decision to put userinfo on the right and no one took the time to think,"Hmmm, maybe some things shouldn't be fucked with"

I guarantee you this was a decision made by one dude with a lot of power who just wanted to be different and didn't want to consider the practicality of their choice. I get it, I get it, you're an artist, you're a visionary, but people have to actually use your layout and they need function over frills. Don't reinvent the wheel.

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Re: New Forum Smell

Post by Potter » Tue Apr 24, 2018 7:18 pm

now that the custom themes are gone for good can someone PLZ give me the indyddr oldschool database backups so we can host a museum copy of all our old shit pre-2005?

Every single time I've asked for this to happen the reasoning for not doing it has been along the lines of "well something something it had a custom theme and I don't want to restore it with a stock theme". - clearly we're well past caring about themes!

every time I've asked to do this there's some reason u say no but it's clearly never gunna fuckin happen unless you let me do it so PLZ LET ME DO IT
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Re: New Forum Smell

Post by Merk » Wed Apr 25, 2018 8:37 am

I too want to see what awful and uninformed, misspelled bullshit I posted back in the day.

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Re: New Forum Smell

Post by Ho » Wed Apr 25, 2018 8:57 am

I never said styles are gone for good. I just didn't promise that I'd bring them back anytime soon. To be honest, that's because we all know the rate at which things get done around here. And, in this particular case, it would be work for a very small minority of the user base.
styles.png (7.84 KiB) Viewed 20327 times
That was a screenshot just before I disabled subsilver2 to do the upgrade. I was kind of bummed that none of those links revealed the specific 18 users that had selected subsilver2. One may be able to make an argument that a majority of the remaining/active user base was using it and I might reconsider the priority of that project. But to be quite honest, if I'm going to spend more time on this site, I'd pretty much rather spend it doing something else.

Potter, your requested project is actually much higher on the priority list as I'd like to see that, too. I've wanted to do that since around the 10th anniversary of the site (and we're coming up on 17!) So, I'm not against this project at all. There just happens to be a particular way I'd like to do it. Believe it or not, I've actually started this process a couple times and just never got to the finish line.

How about a collab? This is more likely to get done if I have some moron support (the moron being me...I need lots of support!). You can be around to help answer questions when I hit inevitable roadblocks (like the 2-3 I hit getting phpBB upgraded the other day) and just generally keep me company through what is usually really boring work. Plus, I hardly ever get to see you, and this seems like a good excuse!

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Re: New Forum Smell

Post by Merk » Wed Apr 25, 2018 8:59 am

Raise your hand if you used subsilver2

*raises hand*

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Re: New Forum Smell

Post by Ho » Wed Apr 25, 2018 9:20 am

I'm tickled that the forum upgrade has sparked some activity around here. It's been pretty darn quiet lately--even for here.

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Re: New Forum Smell

Post by Ho » Mon Apr 30, 2018 3:29 pm

Haha! I never actually tested the registration after the upgrade until today. It didn't work. :P

It's fixed now, but I'm amused that it took me a week to test the primary reason for the upgrade in the first place.

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Re: New Forum Smell

Post by Ho » Mon Apr 30, 2018 3:29 pm

Ho wrote:
Wed Apr 25, 2018 8:57 am
Potter, your requested project is actually much higher on the priority list as I'd like to see that, too. I've wanted to do that since around the 10th anniversary of the site (and we're coming up on 17!) So, I'm not against this project at all. There just happens to be a particular way I'd like to do it. Believe it or not, I've actually started this process a couple times and just never got to the finish line.

How about a collab? This is more likely to get done if I have some moron support (the moron being me...I need lots of support!). You can be around to help answer questions when I hit inevitable roadblocks (like the 2-3 I hit getting phpBB upgraded the other day) and just generally keep me company through what is usually really boring work. Plus, I hardly ever get to see you, and this seems like a good excuse!

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