Don't expect any major new features. Most of what I'm planning is to add some historical context to IndyDDR to coincide with its 12th anniversary coming up in about a month, or 3 months, or 7 months, or 8 months... There are stories for each of those dates...stories that I would like to be told. And those are among the stories I am hoping to tell by creating, restoring, and improving historical content here on the site.
IndyDDR has been a huge part of my life both directly and indirectly over the past decade, and I know it has been for many others as well. There are very few active participants left, but I do think there are quite a number of people that still think about or reference content here to recall people they've met, events passed, crazy stuff that has happened, etc. I know I sure do!
The first thing I'm working on is the photo archive. Tonight, I started taking the video clips sprinkled throughout the various albums and uploading them to YouTube. Post-2005 videos are already on YouTube, but older ones are Windows Media files stored directly here on the site. This is probably far less convenient for the majority of users now in 2012. Heck, even I don't have a plug-in for my browser to play them.
I uploaded the first 8 clips from way back in 2002 tonight. There are 76 clips between 2002 and 2005, so it will probably take me a little while to finish them all, but you can look for them on our YouTube channel as I progress. Of course they will all be linked within their respective photo albums as well.
I'll keep updating this thread as my work continues. With any luck, maybe I'll finish before the last 12th anniversary date comes around in about 8 months.