Bandwidth Busters

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Bandwidth Busters

Post by Ho »

The freestyle videos from the Great-X-Scape tournament back in March are (finally) posted!

Sorry it took two months... My main computer died shortly after that tournament and was out of commission for about a month. I wanted to clean up the audio and add some nice titles, and I didn't want to slog through doing all that on my laptop. In the end, I'm really happy with how these came out and I think they're worth the wait.

Special thanks to MonMotha for the H.264 encoding of these videos. They look great at smaller file sizes than most of the videos I've posted in the past! I <3 H.264!
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Post by lgolem »

Sweet, I missed some of the freestyle stuff because I went to get food. Now I can watch what I missed. ^_^ It is good to see my head isn't in the videos unlike the pics of freestyle you can see the back of my
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Post by Arka »

Ooh. :shock:


You did check with MonMotha's female friend about not listing her in the Will-o-the-Wisp credits, and with Harleigh (was that who that was?) about not being listed in Shake that Bootie, right?

Other than that, very cool. I'd been anticipating the videos a great deal, and I wasn't disappointed.

Edit: Johnny's Naissance is listed as Hard on the website, but he's actually doing the Freestyle steps. (The video caption has it right.)

I'm turning into minor nitpick girl, aren't I? :?

Ho, I really appreciate the work you've done to bring us the videos, despite my loudmouth tendencies!
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Post by Ho »

Arka wrote:You did check with MonMotha's female friend about not listing her in the Will-o-the-Wisp credits, and with Harleigh (was that who that was?) about not being listed in Shake that Bootie, right?
Heh. Actually, no. I simply wasn't bothering to credit cameos.

Other than that, very cool. I'd been anticipating the videos a great deal, and I wasn't disappointed.
Arka wrote:Edit: Johnny's Naissance is listed as Hard on the website, but he's actually doing the Freestyle steps. (The video caption has it right.)
Good catch. That was just me not double checking my work. I'll make another confession while we're at it. I simply assumed that all of the 5-panel performances were done on Hard difficulty and all of the 10-panel performances were done on Freestyle.

I think the latter is a pretty safe assumption given the alternative, but it's possible that some of the former may be on Normal or Crazy. I just didn't bother to check. If someone catches one that's wrong, just let me know and I can fix it.
Arka wrote:I'm turning into minor nitpick girl, aren't I? :?
No biggie. I'm just glad someone is actually looking at this stuff. :)
Arka wrote:Ho, I really appreciate the work you've done to bring us the videos, despite my loudmouth tendencies!
You're welcome! :D
Last edited by Ho on Fri Jun 16, 2006 8:12 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Arka »

Ho wrote:Heh. Actually, no. I simply wasn't bothering to credit cameos.
Awww, but it's her tournament debut! :P
Ho wrote:If someone catches one that's wrong, just let me know and I can fix it.
Yeah, I haven't been able to find stepcharts for PIU:Zero anywhere online, so I've simply been going from memory. When I finally get to go to the arcade again (or when some kind soul points out a stepchart source), you'll probably be the recipient of even more nitpicking...

Have I mentioned that I pay waaaaaay too much attention to these things? 8)
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Post by Pheonixguy »

Arka wrote:
Have I mentioned that I pay waaaaaay too much attention to these things? 8)
Only about 5 times now...
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Post by XeroCi »

man. That is a crappy video format. I tried to install the program, but it kept trying to uninstall my EMS Trio Linker o.O

So I restored my computer to eliminate virus threats.

Can anyone get these in AVI or WMP formats?
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Post by MonMotha »

You can't get VLC to work? VLC is incredibly self-contained and should easily install on just about anything (Windows, MacOS, Linux...BeOS...). The WMP codec pack I have limited experience with, but it seems to work fine on the systems I've tried it with.

The reason that format is being used is because it offers truely outstanding compression. You can full screen those movies and have it be quite tolerable (TV quality, just about) at bitrates equal to a normal MP3...for both the audio AND the video.

I really fail to see how either would care about drivers for a console controller adapter. VLC is especially self contained for just this reason (and cross-platform compatibility). It also plays just about anything, to boot. If you were trying to use the Matroska pack, try using VLC instead.
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Post by XeroCi »

I don't know, but it freaked me out.
The uninstall window for my Trio Linker kept popping up.
I might try VLC sometime later today, but I gotta get to sleep soon, and I don't need to watch videos of people doing stuff that make me want to wake up and go play PIU.
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Post by Harleigh RVNG »

Wow, I was watching my performance and I noticed that I am WAY to stiff playing HOT. Well, I am very glad to see the videos up! I am sure you were getting slightly annoyed with my constant PM, lol.
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Post by Ho »

You really weren't bothering me. I wanted to see these as much as you. I just had "technical difficulties." ;)

As for your performance, didn't you say that this was your first tournament? You were probably just a little nervous. I'm sure you'll loosen up with more experience.

I could tell you had memorized at least parts of that song. That might be part of it, too. At least for me, I think I tend to stiffen up if I'm trying to play from memory. I get too focused on just remembering the steps and forget about everything else.

But then again, I don't think I've ever rehearsed enough to where memorized steps felt natural to me. I'm just not very good at that kind of freestyle...or at least I'm not patient enough to be.

At any rate, I thought your performances looked good. Keep it up!
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Post by great x scape »

Nice!!!! The videos are really wonderful and a great quality too. All of the performances were awesome in person and in video; it was so hard for me and the other judge to choose the winners. Keep up the good work everyone!
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