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hey, for begginers, here are some Exceed2 songs to look into

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 9:00 pm
by Harleigh RVNG
Hey, I'm just listing some songs for begginers. One song a begginer could try out is HOT. It'sthe 1st song under the K-Pop channel... after I beat it on Nightmare then I will have mastered the song. It is also a really good song to try out freestyling on. Another is (if you haven't already killed it) Beethoven Virus. It's really good for the peak of Hard mode. the only actual hard part is getting used to the spins and the fact that there is an almost impossible to perfect part in the middle section. Let's see then.... Some really good songs the peak Crazy player is First Love... i think that's what it's called... it's pretty easy up to the chaos beats... And then again, once you get good, you can try HOT on crazy, it's pretty good for showing off to people that are like "OMG WTF!!" (i can't believe i just said that...) well, i'll look for some other easy one's for you guys and remember, if the song seems to slow with jumbled arrows use the speed multiplyers (UL,UR,UL,UR,Middle)

a few more

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 10:14 pm
by Harleigh RVNG
What's Up, here are a few more, for people starting on Nightmare, i have 2 suggestions. For the first one, try out HOT, it may get slightly confusing and if your aren't used to triple steps, then practice those first. HOT is pretty constant of the same pattern from crazy mode, so if you can beat it on crazy you can most likely do it on Nightmare... well if you can do 2 pads that is. The other one is First Love, again, it consists of the same pattern from Crazy mode so there ya go... and the Crazy modes isn't even that hard!!! c'mon, I'll slap you when you fail it...

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 11:07 pm
For Nightmares on X2, I'd suggest starting out with One Love, Xi Bom Bom Bom, Love Song, and U (HARDEST 14...EVER). If you want something fun, I suggest trying Deja Vu. It's a half-double, meaning it does not use the four arrows on the edges (just DR, C, and UR on left side and DL, C, and UL on right side).

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 11:37 pm
by WhiteDragon
FLAKK wrote:If you want something fun, I suggest trying Deja Vu. It's a half-double, meaning it does not use the four arrows on the edges (just DR, C, and UR on left side and DL, C, and UL on right side).
While it doesn't use the far side arrows, it has a lot of fairly fast little runs across the middle, which is generally the hardest part to learn on nightmare, so it's really not much easier than a full double. One piece of advice if you are trying it for the first time, make sure to use 4X, it makes reading the runs in it a lot easier.

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 12:03 am
He speaks the truth. It was one of my first Nightmares. It may not be easiest, but compared to many of the other Nightmares, it's an easier one to play. But before you play any of the Nightmares, be sure you know the pad layout and some of the basics by playing the Freestyle charts.