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Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 2:24 pm
by TaQa
seveneleven wrote:
vtec@5400 wrote:Kinda like Juzam Djinn. Everyone was like why do you have that in your deck if it does damage to you. Well if I can put this baby out for 2 black 2 colorless (which is very decent) and you have no creatures in play. I'm gonna be poppin ya for 5 damage a turn. Black lotus is a great card to have but my lord I'm not paying like a grand for one. 3 mana for nothing is a good deal to me. And can be played as an interupt giving a chance to counter some junk.

Dont forget w/ the help of a couple of Mox's first hand w/ a BL you can drop the sexy Serra Angel first turn....a 4/4 flyer they almost never recover :Db
You're comparing Serra Angel to Juzam Djinn.

What a joke.

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 4:08 pm
by seveneleven
if you guys really want the Juzam Djinn i know where you can get one for like....200 bucks

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 4:17 pm
by vtec@5400
200 bucks is outta my price range right now lol