Ayyyyy there's an online client for everyone's favorite deck-building game, Dominion, that doesn't suck balls:
It's a couple dollars a month to play with ALL the expansions (you can play with the base set for free) and if you have a friend, like yours truly, who is paying for the online version then you can play all the expansions for free so long as you're playing with them. It's akin to having your friend come over to your house with all the expansions and shit.
The client works surprisingly well despite some user interface blunders (it's not obvious where your tavern mat is, activating a reaction has to be done by clicking on the game log, etc.) but the speed with which you can crank through games on the online client is so God damn convenient. It's going to be hard playing Dominion IRL since it can be a huge pain to set up which the client automates for you.
You can play with bots to help learn the cards and the bot AI is pretty good although it does suck ass when it comes to alternate VP cards like Duke, Feodum, basically anything that isn't a pure VP card. Automated match making is quick and easy and it's got ELO-style rankings for all the dick wagging.
Holla atcha boi if you want to play I'm on there as MerkMang
ummmmm Dominion anyone???
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