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Dear Friends

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 4:52 pm
by SirPhobos
Who else went? Who sat ten feet away from Nobuo? Me. That man loves every minute of his life, no doubt about it.

Best concert ever.

There was a horrible Sephiroth cosplayer. really good Fujin and Lulu cosplayers. Even for a symphony.

Now if you'll excuse me, i've gotta get back to playing FFIV.

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 5:50 pm
by SoDeepPolaris
Would you care to explain what you are talking about for us simpletons?

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 7:20 pm
by fpd
I would assume he/she 's talking about the FF concert?

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 9:35 pm
by Mei-Mei
SECONDED. Wonderful concert, Nobuo was awesome to basically tell everyone to stfu. XD

Yeah..... that Seph was pretty bad.... >_>;;

Re: Dear Friends

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 12:19 pm
by Ebola Gay
SirPhobos wrote:There was a horrible Sephiroth cosplayer. really good Fujin and Lulu cosplayers.
This is when I realize than humanity is doomed.

To all who cosplayed at Dear Friends:

Why are you bastards cosplaying to a symphany?! It's the freakin' symphony! Do you know what that means?! It means this is a place were respectable men & women go to listen to beautiful music, not to look at your goofy ass in yellow lederhosen! Have you no respect?! No dignity?! Please, by all means, wear your love of Final Fantasy on your sleeve, for it is the only reason your life has any meaning whatsoever! "OMG DUDE I HOPE NOBUO NOTICES ME, I SPENT 732T239847 HOURS ON THIS SQUALL OUTFIT". Please, next time you go to a concert, have some respect for yourself and others, and wear a FREAKING SUIT!


Sorry, I just had to get that off my chest.

Anyways, I'm glad you had a good time and that it was a good concert. It's too bad I coulden't go, but, as you can see from my rant above, it was probably a good thing I diden't.

Re: Dear Friends

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 4:07 pm
by Mei-Mei
Ebola Gay wrote:
SirPhobos wrote:There was a horrible Sephiroth cosplayer. really good Fujin and Lulu cosplayers.
This is when I realize than humanity is doomed.

To all who cosplayed at Dear Friends:

Why are you bastards cosplaying to a symphany?! It's the freakin' symphony! Do you know what that means?! It means this is a place were respectable men & women go to listen to beautiful music, not to look at your goofy ass in yellow lederhosen! Have you no respect?! No dignity?! Please, by all means, wear your love of Final Fantasy on your sleeve, for it is the only reason your life has any meaning whatsoever! "OMG DUDE I HOPE NOBUO NOTICES ME, I SPENT 732T239847 HOURS ON THIS SQUALL OUTFIT". Please, next time you go to a concert, have some respect for yourself and others, and wear a FREAKING SUIT!


Sorry, I just had to get that off my chest.

Anyways, I'm glad you had a good time and that it was a good concert. It's too bad I coulden't go, but, as you can see from my rant above, it was probably a good thing I diden't.
If you think the cosplay is a bad thing, think about how bad it was when the audience wouldn't stop clapping and screaming when Nobuo wanted to talk... or right in the middle of a song... >>;

It didn't -ruin- the concert, it was just a bit annoying.

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 5:15 pm
by SirPhobos
proper symphony etiquette (sp?) didn't seem to apply for the 80% of us that were gamers. the 20% symphony crowd were probably annoyed with all of us, to be honest.

Re: Dear Friends

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 11:24 pm
by Ebola Gay
Mei-Mei wrote: If you think the cosplay is a bad thing, think about how bad it was when the audience wouldn't stop clapping and screaming when Nobuo wanted to talk... or right in the middle of a song... >>;

It didn't -ruin- the concert, it was just a bit annoying.
And us gamers wonder why people don't respect us...

I can sorta understand cosplay, being rational human beings is not the calling card of many gamers. But screaming/clapping while the music is being performed... That's not just a lack of any sort of respect to the musicians or Nobou, that's flipping off music itself. Yeah, it's definately a good thing I didn't go. I would have either:

1. Flipped out and kicked someone in the face.
2. Cried/been horribly depressed.

As for not ruining the concert, I beg to differ. I mean, maybe I'm just imagining it wrong, but if I'm sitting in a symphony, listening to beautiful music, the last thing I want to hear is people screaming how they want to have Nobou's child. I feel heartfelt sorry for anybody who played those pieces, for if I was down there, I would have the stongest urge to just walk out and call it quits.

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 12:33 am
by CgSquall
I was going to go, but was short of adequate funds and/or other people near me that would want to carpool so i wouldn't have to drive like 8 hours by myself in total. Besides, sounds like i would have freaked out and killed myself a Kefka, Kuja, or Sephiroth, maybe one of each.

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 1:10 am
by letshavetea
did anyone take pics of the cosplayers? id like to see how they dressed up :)

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 11:46 am
by Merk
Yeah I went to the concert over the weekend. Nothing pissed me off more than listening to a huge crowd of Japanophiles scream and clap during the once-in-a-lifetime performance I paid a lot of money for. But of course, asking socially-awkward people to behave normally and respectfully or at the very least dress in something other than a HIM t-shirt and black cargo shorts with twenty chains hanging and clinking off of them at a formal event would probably have been too much to ask. Oh, and dressing as a white mage to an orchestra concert is even worse, just because they play music from a video game doesn't mean the event can be treated like some anime convention.

Despite the crowd clapping during such segments as the "OMG Vivi is on the big screen while the old guy plays his guitar solo he worked his off for hurr hurr hurr" and "LOLOLOL Chocobo Theme!!!!" scenes, I genuinely enjoyed the music. I thought that Love Grows, Dear Friends, Theme of Love, and One-Winged Angel in particular were well done.

Here are the few pictures I was able to sneak in without the theater's camera gestapo throwing a fit:

The theater's emblem.

This is where my friends and I sat, the cheapest seats in the house!

The very well done $20 program.

And finally, a blurry picture of the way you're supposed to dress at a formal event, except without having your belt not on all the way.

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 12:10 pm
by sam
I thought they said cosplay attire wasn't allowed and you had to dress formal...glad i didn't waste the money

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 12:37 pm
by Mei-Mei
Despite the fact that the cheering was annoying, I don't feel it ruined the concert for me personally. It wasn't horrible to the point where I would walk out. And honestly, I only saw about 3 cosplayers. So all in all, it was VERY worth going. The good out-weighed the bad by far.

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 6:18 pm
by Original Sin
Formality isn't about how you dress, it's about how you act. If you act properly, it shouldn't matter what you're wearing. I don't have a problem with dressing nice, but I primarily focus on acting according to the situation, not looking like I belong there.

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 6:25 pm
by CaseyDidder
Merk wrote: Image
And finally, a blurry picture of the way you're supposed to dress at a formal event, except without having your belt not on all the way.
agreed 100%