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Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 5:02 pm
by xK1
Original Sin wrote: Oh, and about the Xbox live bullshit... I've got Quake 4 AND Call of Duty 2 on PC. I can play them online whenever I want, without the whiney little Xbox live kids that have to hack to win anything.
Umm.... what? :shock:

Oh! I get it!
And of course this guy isn't giving the 360 any love, he's an "OMG M$ is teh suXX0R!!!" fanboy...which is quite amusing, concidering [sic] he's accusing others of being Xbox fanboys.
fixed! :D

Please don't take any offense to this, I'm trying to be tounge in cheek about it, but honestly right now you're engaging in the same type of fanboyism that you're trying to rail against. I don't know where you're getting the impression that "Xbox users have to hack to win anything," especially since hackers/modders who are caught on Xbox Live get banned.

Now am I saying that the Xbox/Xbox 360 is the perfect machine and there are no problems with it and everything's bunnies and rainbows and shit? No, of course not. What it is though, is a great machine with games that I like, with more on the way.

Will the Revolution and/or PS3 be better platforms? Possibly, probably, I don't really know (and neither does anyone else). I'll wait until I can actually see and play some games on the actual systems before I can make that decision.

Will I buy those systems when they come out? Maybe, depends on if they have software that looks interesting.

Will that make me automatically start hating the Xbox 360? No, of course not. Even if every other title that comes out for the 360 is an absolute piece of crap, I'll still have games like Dead or Alive 4, Project Gotham 3, Condemned and Geometry Wars that I will enjoy.

Every system has had good games and bad games. Sure, they've all had different ratios of gold to shit, but to write a system/company off completely or to blindly follow another and support their every move is just plain assinine.

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 7:16 pm
by Original Sin
The point behind my comment about Xbox live, is that so many people out there assume it's the greatest thing to ever hit the gaming industry. All I'm saying is, you can play online elsewhere too. I've been doing it for years, no Xbox needed, and I certainly don't feel any massive void in my life without playing Xbox.
Do I hate Xbox? No, but I've never played an Xbox game I've liked either, at least none I couldn't just as easily purchase for a different system.

Some people like Xbox, some don't. All it comes down to is a matter of opinion, so there is no right answer.
And no, I'm not a fanboy of any particular system. I play many different systems, and many different genres of games. I'm opposed to Xbox because I dislike it's games, but I don't favor any particular system. I'll play whatever has the games I like, regardless of what corporation shits out the machine to play them on.

And my comment about the Xbox live users? That's a throwback to an old thread some others around here probably remember.

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 7:56 pm
by Green Tea
Original Sin wrote:Do I hate Xbox? No, but I've never played an Xbox game I've liked either, at least none I couldn't just as easily purchase for a different system.
That's my main point for owning a PS2 and waiting for a PS3.

All the 14 year olds will whine about how Halo is the greatest game ever made. I don't even want to hear it. Doom was the greatest FPS ever made. I'm not talking about Doom 3 I'm talking about Doom 1 with giant pink monsters and mean spiky brown ones and flying red balls. Doom can only be contended with Quake 1 IMO. That is because the models and walls were all sprites in doom whereas Quake 1 was polygonally modelled (I have no idea if polygonally is a word). Doom however is still the best FPS.

Ugh I hate halo freaks.

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 8:14 pm
by Blaze
Original Sin wrote:Do I hate Xbox? No, but I've never played an Xbox game I've liked either, at least none I couldn't just as easily purchase for a different system.
Calling Shenanigans. You play Halo with Chris and I and you've always enjoyed it.

By the way, Green Tea, I'm not a Halo Freak, but it is a fun game.

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 8:41 pm
by SoDeepPolaris
Also, rumor has it that Sony has actually decided to feature an online network similar to XBox Live.

(hopefully the image won't get cut off for direct linking)

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 9:33 pm
by Green Tea
Blaze wrote:Calling Shenanigans. You play Halo with Chris and I and you've always enjoyed it.

By the way, Green Tea, I'm not a Halo Freak, but it is a fun game.
Oh I am not saying it's a bad game, I'm sure it's alot of fun, I really enjoyed Halo 1 when it came out... but I will take Half Life 1 MP (with it's mods) over Halo 2 any day.

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 10:08 pm
by Original Sin
Halo is a lukewarm game. It's alright, but it's not deserving of the hype it gets in any sense...but we've been over that.

Yeah, I enjoy our little multiplayer matches in Halo, but it's not something I'd pick up and play on my own. It's only fun in multiplayer, because we're freaking lunatics. Our antics outside of the game while we're playing it are much more amusing than the gameplay itself.

And yes, Doom was an amazing FPS. Especially given when it was released, it was absolutely amazing, especially when you compared it to other FPS games at the time that were still using modified Wolfenstien 3D engines.

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 10:27 pm
by xK1
Green Tea wrote:Doom was the greatest FPS ever made.
That's just being silly. Yes it was a great game for its time, but there are much better games out there now. It's not a bad game or anything, but I would much rather play Halo 2 or any other good modern FPS unless it was just for nostalgic value (and it's been months since I last played any version of Halo...).

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2006 10:50 pm
by Original Sin
xK1 wrote:
Green Tea wrote:Doom was the greatest FPS ever made.
That's just being silly. Yes it was a great game for its time, but there are much better games out there now. It's not a bad game or anything, but I would much rather play Halo 2 or any other good modern FPS unless it was just for nostalgic value (and it's been months since I last played any version of Halo...).
The modern FPS engine is old hat, most modern FPS's don't push the envelope. There's only so much you can do to it, and these days, no one's
doing anything new.
The reason Doom may stand as 'the best' is because of what it brought into the genre. It was the first game to actual create a believeable first person, 3D environment. It was a massive step forward for the gaming industry..before Doom, FPS games were made of up blocks. Cielings and floors were always the same distance apart, and there was no sense of elevation what so ever. Doom changed all that, and got the ball rolling for a true 3D engine.
Quake picked up where Doom left off, and created an engine that could more angles, and also brought 3D models in place of sprites.

Sure, modern FPS games look better and have better gameplay, but nothing has been really revolutionary to the genre.

Taking everything into acount, though, there are multiple things a modern FPS can be judged by. Half Life 2 was flat out amazing, graphics and gameplay blow Halo 2 out of the water, yet it recieved no where near as much hype.
So far, I think Half Life 2 is the winner in terms of graphics.
On the flipside, the time it takes to load is a tad irritating, and
calling the ending a cliffhanger is an understatement.

Gameplay wise, I enjoy Call of Duty 2. I enjoy ww2 games, and so far, Call of Duty 2 has been more true to life than the others I've played. Actually being able to aim down the sights of your weapon, to me anyway, is amazing.
However, in terms of action and flat out intensity, F.E.A.R takes the cake over all the FPS's I've ever touched. It's fierce, intense, and's hard as hell. I've played FPS games since their birth, and this game has killed me more times than I care to count.

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 6:38 am
by Blaze
Green Tea wrote:t... but I will take Half Life 1 MP (with it's mods) over Halo 2 any day.

...with it's mods.

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 1:18 pm
by SoDeepPolaris
Blaze wrote:
Green Tea wrote:t... but I will take Half Life 1 MP (with it's mods) over Halo 2 any day.

...with it's mods.
It's a moddable game for a reason. Counter-strike, Vampire, DoD, they all add great aspects to a great game. It's a way to expand beyond the original game. Something Halo can't really do.

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 3:41 pm
by letshavetea
SoDeepPolaris wrote:
Blaze wrote:
Green Tea wrote:t... but I will take Half Life 1 MP (with it's mods) over Halo 2 any day.

...with it's mods.
It's a moddable game for a reason. Counter-strike, Vampire, DoD, they all add great aspects to a great game. It's a way to expand beyond the original game. Something Halo can't really do.
.... umm...

Modding Halo2 is the only reason I play anymore.. well.. that and for the people I play with on there... I want to talk to them still

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 6:06 pm
by SoDeepPolaris
letshavetea wrote:
SoDeepPolaris wrote:
Blaze wrote:
...with it's mods.
It's a moddable game for a reason. Counter-strike, Vampire, DoD, they all add great aspects to a great game. It's a way to expand beyond the original game. Something Halo can't really do.
.... umm...

Modding Halo2 is the only reason I play anymore.. well.. that and for the people I play with on there... I want to talk to them still
Mods as in, basically completely new game running on half-life engine. CS is pretty much different than half-life, yet it's a mod based off the original.

All I saw on that site (I might be missing something), was warthog skins and masterchief edits. That's not the mods that halflife has.

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2006 10:21 pm
by Original Sin
There are a number of games built on the half life engine. Calling them mods is actually an understatement, as they take the original game, and pretty much rip it apart to create a new game.

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2006 2:05 am
by Green Tea
Original Sin wrote:There are a number of games built on the half life engine. Calling them mods is actually an understatement, as they take the original game, and pretty much rip it apart to create a new game.
but what's great is that they give them for free (well at least they used to :D) I am very upset that they are charging to play these mods for the source engine like DoD and CS. I bought the silver package two years ago so I got it for free essentially, but still... $19.95 for a mod is absurd.

I truly think half life is the game that has the most diverse mods for it... For example, check out Natural Selection. It is an amazing game, you can't even tell it's on the half life engine really. It actually has higher specs than the original half life because it's so diverse in it's mods. It's not the same thing over and over again. There are mods for pretty much everything from the revolutionary war to pirates and of course futuristic mods (especially dystopia for HL2... check it out if you haven't)