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Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 9:15 pm
by AllusiveGold
TaQa wrote:Since my name was brought up (I didn't even know, had to be brought to my attention by cool people), I thought I'd explain why I block you and ignore you every time you try to talk to me.

Every time you tried to talk to me over AIM, you were very annoying. Believe it or not, people don't care very much about how well you're doing at DDR, and they definately don't care to hear about it every single day. So after a while, I changed my screen name and..."forgot" to tell you. I figured it was the easiest way to ignore you without hurting your feelings too bad.

So someones decides to give you my new SN, not his fault though, he didn't know I was much happier not having some weirdo IMing me every 15 seconds with crap I don't even read.

So here's the first conversation after Mr. Allusive Gold found out my new SN (CENSORED FOR ALL YOU KIDDIES)

Now read through it, then read through it again, and after you've stopped laughing, think about it. Do I have a homosexual internet stalker? Is this guy coming on to me? I mean, I don't generally mind stalkers all too bad, but...come on...this is just weird. So after, eh, a few more annoying and stupid ass conversations, I block Mr. Allusive Gold again.

And all was well.

Or was it?

About a month or so later, I get an IM from some weird guy saying "oH i see how it iz, u jus blok me, u is fag", or something along those lines. I figure "Damnit, why am I a guy magnet" I mean, if I can get somebody like Allusive Gold, I could get any guy right? So, per usual, I just block him again. Not to my surprise, about 7 or 8 random SNs pop up being generally homo-erotic towards me, and I was feeling quite uncomfortable. So I just block them all, knowing its just some guy obsessing over me. Damn I must be hot or something.

So that last paragraph was about yesterday, and today I run into Mr. Casey Harrington, and he says that "That AllusiveGold fag" has been abusing him on 10 or so SNs as well. Well, at least it's not me anymore.

To be continued..? Hopefully not.

P.S. Riot is OMG HAWT
P.S.S. Cat
LOL! Nicely done

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 9:22 pm
by mexican ninja
I DEMAND that this thread be made into a sticky. Mr. AG is a pure comedy gold mine, and it only gets better when you throw in a sexy slab of man like Taqa or Riot.. I mean, come on, I'm choosing this over Desperate Housewives.

Wow, I just got really jittery all of a sudden and it's kinda hard to type. dth s

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 9:32 pm
by AllusiveGold
That's alright, go ahead and ban me. I can't post in peace let enough post period because of bad ratings that are pointless. Good for all of you that hate me, good fucking job. So ban me since I'm so bad and I start soo much shit. Cause I'm a terrible asshole and I don't belong here. And I think I'm SOO FUCKING UNGODLY AT DDR. That's fine. Talk shit about me and make me out to be a fag or an asshole hell even both. Those that actually know me know the truth. Not like it would matter to any of you. This board is a fucking joke. A joke that's being played on me. So go for it guys. Do it and get it over with. I'm out.

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 9:34 pm
by Potter

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 9:42 pm
by The X
I don't hate you in the least.

I think people just take what you say outta context is all, myself included.

Edit: Nice scores, by the way.

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 9:54 pm
by TheVaulting1
AllusiveGold wrote:
TheVaulting1 wrote:
Riot wrote:It is actually rather nice to be able to piss people off on the internet, it proves that I will be a successful writer someday because I can evoke emotions in people. And no, it probably wouldn't be nice to get my ass beat. It might hurt me!

P.S. I'm now a heavy user thanks to everyone giving me AA's. Now I finally have my coveted e-fame.
I say now we can go on with the plan, and


Just kidding.
Go for it.
Uh i was kidding with RIOT so calm down, no one really cares about all the stupid crap you say

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 11:06 pm
by Riot

I love you too, TaQa and Mexi. If I wasn't such a suave heterosexual I would make advances at you.

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 9:51 am
by Fujiwara Bunta
TheVaulting1 wrote:
AllusiveGold wrote:
TheVaulting1 wrote: I say now we can go on with the plan, and


Just kidding.
Go for it.
Uh i was kidding with RIOT so calm down, no one really cares about all the stupid crap you say
you're just as worthless and expendable, like the rest of the all-knowing crap of the world ;)