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VEGAN THREAD is ressurected 4 lulz

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 10:20 am
by BigBadOrc

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 10:47 am
by Ho
Good luck with it, but I question why you'd encourage people to make fun of you for it (even jokingly). Vegan is as much a political stance as it is a health-conscious one. Belittling it (again, even jokingly) in your announcement of it makes me question your commitment to it. Still, I wish you success and satisfaction with your decision.

I have a co-worker who used to be Vegan. I've learned a lot from him. It's certainly true that there are plenty of good substitutes for animal products that can produce tasty results. In fact, I even whipped up a batch of Vegan hot & sour soup so that I could share it with him. It came out pretty well.

I will also say that knowing him has alerted me to many products with "hidden" animal products. For instance, I had no idea something like Starburst wouldn't be Vegan, but it contains gelatin which is an animal product. So that rules out Jell-O, too.

I will also say that working in a restaurant really opened my eyes to things that happen in the handling and preparation of food. Most people probably are better off being ignorant of such things. Yet, millions of people consume that food every day and not much bad ever happens.

I can certainly understand wanting to keep bad stuff out of your diet, but I also believe that you can easily worry too much about it for little or no positive effect. You can be smart without being alarmist.

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 10:54 am
by BigBadOrc
Ho wrote:Good luck with it, but I question why you'd encourage people to make fun of you for it (even jokingly). Vegan is as much a political stance as it is a health-conscious one. Belittling it (again, even jokingly) in your announcement of it makes me question your commitment to it. Still, I wish you success and satisfaction with your decision.
I'm committed. I only make jokes about it because come on, I'm a freaking orc, how many vegan orcs do you know!? :oops: I actually hadn't realized it was political at all though!? Well guess I can see it from a "protect the organic label" "save the environment" point of view.

Yeah, gelatin = ground animal bones rite?
Ho wrote:You can be smart without being alarmist.

Wasn't really my intention to be alarmist. Just sharing a radical new perspective that I gained. I'm certainly not going to try to convert people into vegans, lol. To each his own. But after reading the book I have no doubt whatsoever that this is what I personally want to do.

I'd actually compare this to the theory of evolution. You have the scientific perspective which gets you evolution and a vegan diet, and then you have the mass advertising market perspective which gets you intelligent design and meat/dairy as staples of your every meal.

One more thing from the book: there are Olympic athletes that are vegan. This was important to me, since athleticism is important to me.

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 11:07 am
by Ho
It's certainly political if part of it is raging against government institutions that you are claiming are not doing what people would expect them to be doing. Vegans can also have a strong slant towards animal rights--which can be considered a political cause.

Mind you, I'm not saying I'm against either of these viewpoints. I'm really just making conversation and exploring an topic of ACTUAL SUBSTANCE on IndyDDR! Hooray for that.

I guess the bottom line of my bringing up any of those points is that I would encourage you to continue your investigation into your chosen lifestyle (and cause). I have not read the book you referenced, but my impression from your sharing of its points is that it has an agenda and is using some alarmist tactics to persuade you in its desired direction.

(BTW, it's not hard to dig up some pretty terrible horror stories regarding fishing practices that lead to your beloved sushi.)

I'm not saying that it's wrong, but I would hope for you to continue to find out more and make decisions of your own and not rely on a single source of information. I know you're just starting out, and I will be delighted to support your efforts provided they are the result of your own education and enlightenment rather than dictatorial brainwashing.

I actually have a lot of respect for Vegans. I just hope for them to be doing it for the right reasons.

EDIT: I want to amend that last statement. "Right" isn't really what I wanted to say given that it could be a subjective judgment. Closer to my sentiment would be that I hope people would chose it for their own reasons and not someone else's. Find your facts and pursue your own beliefs based on your own assessment. Don't just blindly take what others feed you (no pun intended).

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 1:17 pm
by chocobojoe
You know, I won't make fun of you, because of that fact that you're not doing it for "animal rights." I don't care, just more chicken and cheese for me to eat :D

Also, almost anything will cause cancer (or some other ailment) in extreme quantities, but it is a well known fact that bass cures cancer. This message has been brought to you by the DRA (Dub Research Association)

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 1:31 pm
by BigBadOrc
Ho wrote:It's certainly political if part of it is raging against government institutions that you are claiming are not doing what people would expect them to be doing. Vegans can also have a strong slant towards animal rights--which can be considered a political cause.
ok, true. it is political. and unless the book is outright lying to me, then it is exactly the case that these institutions are doing nowhere NEAR what we would expect them to do.

Almost every fact they gave had a citation to a scientific source. The book had tons of citations. And they are certainly not the first people to slam the meatpacking industry, that's old news. I will certainly continue to learn about eating healthy etc, and I always try to keep an open mind.

Haha.. I went home to make soup for lunch and bought veggie corn dogs too. Katy pointed out that they had milk and eggs in them. Whoops lol. The soup was good but we decided that next time we'd make it with tofu instead of veggie chicken because veggie chicken is weird.
Ho wrote:(BTW, it's not hard to dig up some pretty terrible horror stories regarding fishing practices that lead to your beloved sushi.)
Hm... I would actually be interested in seeing a few of these :( And while I am concerned about cruelty to animals, my main motivation behind not eating animal products is that it's just plain unhealthy. So if there was something out there that said sushi was unhealthy, well.. that would suck. I know the seaweed in it is incredibly good for you though !

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 2:28 pm
by Ho
I'm sure it's all looks very official. And I'm not even trying to say that they're wrong. I have not done much investigation on this subject myself, so I do not have the data to support or refute their claims. They could very well be perfect.

However, I have had experiences where information was given to me with citations. I went to check those citations and found them to have been either incorrect, misconstrued, or outright bogus. I've even had Bible passages cited to me and gone to read them only to find that they don't actually say what the person making the argument said they would.

All I'm saying is that if you're really into this I would hope that you would continue to seek more information and make decisions for yourself. I know I've had information thrown at me before that impacted me in some way. Further investigation on my part has led to both supporting my initial reaction as well as completely rejecting it.

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 3:08 pm
by Jeff Jeff Revolution
Well, good luck with your endeavor! I know it's a tough road for a steak lover like myself. I once went Vegan for 2 weeks as a dare, though, in eighth grade.

I lost about 11 pounds in those 14 days.

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 3:26 pm
by SoDeepPolaris
Jeff Jeff Revolution wrote:Well, good luck with your endeavor! I know it's a tough road for a steak lover like myself. I once went Vegan for 2 weeks as a dare, though, in eighth grade.

I lost about 11 pounds in those 14 days.
Were you eating properly, though?

Also, Veganism isn't just a diet. It's NO animal products, whatsoever. No leather/suede, silk, wool, honey, etc.

If you're simply talking about diet, it's Strict Vegetarian Diet. I'm not one to typically get super nitpicky about names but you might run into some people who are and it's better to be informed than to be caught off guard.

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 3:27 pm
by BigBadOrc
Jeff Jeff Revolution wrote:Well, good luck with your endeavor! I know it's a tough road for a steak lover like myself. I once went Vegan for 2 weeks as a dare, though, in eighth grade.

I lost about 11 pounds in those 14 days.
Ha. Thanks Jeff:) I actually never saw the big deal with steak though. I've eaten it on many an occasion and it's usually pretty good... but it's NEVER been worth even $20 for me. Actually the tastiest food I've ever eaten has probably been sushi at Sushi Dan in Los Angeles.
Ho wrote:I have not done much investigation on this subject myself, so I do not have the data to support or refute their claims.

Another good reason why I posted this. Perhaps someone can point out any inaccuracies in the book. I tried briefly googling such things as "skinny bitch lie" "skinny bitch wrong" "skinny bitch inaccurate" but I didn't come up with much. The worst criticism I found was that people accused them of being too skinny to talk about people's "fat asses". And people took offense when the authors said "skinny = healthy, fat = unhealthy" Oh, and of course they took offense at the foul language of the book. boo hoo

I did find one interesting quote though:

"I have had difficulty finding doctors that didn't regard my own veganism as a form of eating disorder, to the point that now if I need to find a new doctor I have to open with "I'm vegan. I take this seriously as an ethical lifestyle. I am not underweight. Here is my height, here is my weight. I eat 3-4 good meals a day. If my veganism is going to be a problem with you, it's better that we just agree right now that I should find a different doctor." "

SoDeepPolaris wrote: Also, Veganism isn't just a diet. It's NO animal products, whatsoever. No leather/suede, silk, wool, honey, etc.

If you're simply talking about diet, it's Strict Vegetarian Diet.
Ah. Interesting. Yes, I just am making nutritional changes - the cause of helping animals is a good one, but I don't really think that me personally refusing to use animal-related clothing is really necessary. I think world peace is a good cause too but I'm not going to make it into my life.

Nutritional changes = me live longer = sweet! gogogo asap

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 5:07 pm
by malictus
LOL I read only the first half or so of BigBadOrc's post, then skipped down to the picture and thought it was some sort of PETA-esque dead animal fetus or something. Not that I'm dissing your cake, but.... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Good luck with your decision! I don't eat healthily, never have, and never will. I'm a meat loving, sweets loving, caffeine loving fool. I don't drink, smoke, do drugs, or gamble. A man's got to have SOMETHING as a vice, right?

Oh, and I find it interesting that despite the negative publicity in general about meat and animal products, the last few truly serious food poisoning scares have been with purely vegetable products (spinach and peanut butter). Don't assume that non-animal and organic is necessarily safe....

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 5:48 pm
by letshavetea
My best friend is vegan, I'm a vegetarian..

We are both on board because of health/animal reasons...


It's been like... 6-8 years for her now... I've almost been at it a year.

One thing this teaches me is to not be afraid of the kitchen lol... Cooking weird shit is fun.

And... like Malictus said... I saw the picture and at first it looked like meatcake haha


I looked at the other pictures on the page that I got that from... and I gagged a little...

Also, if you feel like being picky about what you actually are... I know that a vegetarian that eats meat is called a pescetarian... I dunno if there is a vegan counterpart name to that (prolly is... I just dont know it :P)

Anyhow... best of luck. Giving up meats and such isn't hard, I don't really intend on giving up dairy and such anytime soon... but... it's possible :P

Also... you said you made soup?... almost all canned soup has chicken or cow fat in it... Campbells Vegetable Soup, for example, has chicken fat in it.

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 6:18 pm
by Amp Divorax
Speaking as somebody whose attempted a Vegan diet (and failed miserably), I say more power to ya if you can pull it off. I will be honest and admit that I haven't eaten pork in 3 years now due to dietary concerns so I know where you are coming from.

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 6:50 pm
by Jeff Jeff Revolution
SoDeepPolaris wrote:
Jeff Jeff Revolution wrote:Well, good luck with your endeavor! I know it's a tough road for a steak lover like myself. I once went Vegan for 2 weeks as a dare, though, in eighth grade.

I lost about 11 pounds in those 14 days.
Were you eating properly, though?
Not at all. My entire diet basically consisted of pretzels and natural peanut butter. Ugh. I know that's why I lost so much weight; I ate in an unhealthy manner. That was almost a second trap in the dare.

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 7:39 pm
by blackcat
Hah, truuuuue! I am going to attempt to be vegan for the first time.

Throwing away all the bad foods today was harder on me than it was Mike. I grew up eating all kinds of soda pops and sweets and pizzas and hot dogs....and of course I ate the stuff that my parents gave me blindly...steaks, chickens, turkeys....all sorts of stuff. But after reading all the horrible things that the slaughter house people do to the seriously almost made me cry.

I LOOOOVE LOVE LOVE LOOOOOVE animals. Whenever I go someplace new in the US or travel somewhere else, the first thing I find out is if they have a zoo. Zoos are seriously my favorite places to go. I love animals, I love everything about animals. Reading the Skinny Bitch book...they quoted really intense things about how cruel the slaughterers treat the animals....BEFORE they even kill the animals...they are torturing the putting salt up the animals noses...tearing off their noses....sticking salt or other things up the animals butts...

I just couldn't stand it. I really wanted to cry. Those poor animals. After reading it, I thought about all the times my parents fed me meat products, and how I hated them. I never liked meat, but my parents always made me eat it. But I just feel horrible about it. I ate an animal that in the last few moments of its life was tortured maliciously. Also, because of the unsanitary nature of slaughter houses....I could also be at risk for all the diseases that the animal carries with it.

The hardest thing to give up for me, being vegan, is suger products. I am a sugar fanatic. But, I guess I will have to get used to the sugar substitutes, like agave nector. Aspartame is BAD BAD shit for you. It's in all diet's a poison.

And I'm with Mike, I can give up all meat products except for sushi. I know that probably makes me contradict everything I just said....but I just love sushi too much. It's probably one of the only meat products I've ever really liked anyways. When I go to Chipotle and burrito places, I usually get veggie burritos. I haven't eaten a shit ton of meat since I lived with my parents. Sushi is the only meat I think I eat. I guess I've eaten hamburgers at restaurants, but very very rarely.

I personally think that eating an all vegan diet and only eating sushi every once in a while wouldn't hurt me. I mean, I'm sure that there are fish cruelty stories...but maybe I just can't see how cruel you can really be to a fish. Compared to like a pig or a cow and whatnot. I mean you could stab it a whole lot of times, I'm sure, buuuut...then the sushi meat would look weird...

I don't know, I mean, if I were a true strict vegetarian, I would give it maybe I just have to get sick of sushi first before giving it up and saying that I'm truly a vegetarian.

Anyways, that's what I have to say. W00t.