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Re: Internet dating *or* grasping for love at end of one's rope

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 9:58 am
by Fluffyumpkins
Also, a short note: I'm open to the possibility that I'm delusional for thinking this. However, none of my psychiatrists seems to think so.
I've been doing some reading about Otherkin the past few days and the more I'm reading, the more I'm finding I can relate to this stuff. Finding communities of people that feel "non-human" like I do has made me feel so much less alone and strange. I'm not positive that I am actually otherkin, but it's striking chords with me. I've discovered things called 'elementals' and 'sylphs' which I find myself really relating to and finding similarities with. I've decided to start meditating and hope to find a spiritual side to myself, which I think will fill some large gaps and empty spaces in my life.
Arudem, just wanted to say thanks for bringing up this topic.
I'm glad I could help you find your kinside! A surprising number of people are Otherkin but unawakened. You can find the strangest things within yourself, if you just think to look...
You're all humans having a hard time fitting in to society for whatever reason, and feel compelled to explain away something simple with something that won't damage your ego. It's hard to look ourselves in the eye and admit our weaknesses. In this case, it's harder to admit that you have a social dysfunction that needs improvement than it is to believe you are part unicorn and everyone knows unicorns just happen to be depressed and lonely creatures with Tumblrs that seek validation from other unicorns on websites like

These so-called support communities are essentially enablement groups for the weak-willed.

Re: Internet dating *or* grasping for love at end of one's rope

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 10:03 am
by Merk
I often wonder if shit like Otherkin is born of the internet or if it's something that has been around since the beginning of time. I mean, were people in Rome and shit talking about how they are legitimately part dung beetle so when they ate human feces they wouldn't be stoned to death?

Re: Internet dating *or* grasping for love at end of one's rope

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 10:03 am
by SoDeepPolaris
Merk wrote:Is that SFW? I'm a little wary of clicking that shit.
Yeah. The whole forum is, for lack of a better term, crazy.

Where else are you gonna find people who claim to be from other dimensions and then list their dosages of antipsychotics and antidepressants in their signature...

Re: Internet dating *or* grasping for love at end of one's rope

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 10:05 am
by Fluffyumpkins
On a similar note, communitites like this present themselves as open-minded and tolerant when all they're really doing is indulging. Supporting someone who needs help by pandering is not a good thing.

Re: Internet dating *or* grasping for love at end of one's rope

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 10:07 am
by Merk
I am on 1000mg of Prozac and I use that as a convenient excuse for anything horrible/crazy that I post. Giant pictures of me in a diaper getting barfed on? Prozac. Also please give me attention I am so lonely.

Re: Internet dating *or* grasping for love at end of one's rope

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 10:36 am
by Ho
Merk wrote:I am on 1000mg of Prozac and I use that as a convenient excuse for anything horrible/crazy that I post. Giant pictures of me in a diaper getting barfed on? Prozac. Also please give me attention I am so lonely.
This explains everything.

Re: Internet dating *or* grasping for love at end of one's rope

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 10:41 am
by Fluffyumpkins
looool. This is the current leader for today's

Re: Internet dating *or* grasping for love at end of one's rope

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 10:49 am
by Merk
Brian, since I cannot possibly be blamed for anything awful that I have posted in the past does that mean that you can forgive me?

Re: Internet dating *or* grasping for love at end of one's rope

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 1:15 pm
by Potter
Ho wrote:
Merk wrote:I am on 1000mg of Prozac and I use that as a convenient excuse for anything horrible/crazy that I post. Giant pictures of me in a diaper getting barfed on? Prozac. Also please give me attention I am so lonely.
This explains everything.


Re: Internet dating *or* grasping for love at end of one's rope

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 1:36 pm
by SoDeepPolaris
Mute Spitta certified.

Re: Internet dating *or* grasping for love at end of one's rope

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 9:10 pm
by Fluffyumpkins
It's actually a pretty funny profile. <removed> is the LITERAL avatar of scorn.

Interestingly I sent a pretty trolley message making fun of her and actually got a response. This isn't a first. Back when I used this site pretty regularly, my response rate with sincere messages was worse than that from messages that highlight something stupid the person posted. Is negging a real thing?

Who here that's been in a current relationship for more than 2 years has intentionally negged their significant other?

Re: Internet dating *or* grasping for love at end of one's rope

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 9:31 pm
by Merk
We are a 91% match!

Re: Internet dating *or* grasping for love at end of one's rope

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 9:37 pm
by Fluffyumpkins
Riot, did you neg Meg?

Re: Internet dating *or* grasping for love at end of one's rope

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 7:51 pm
by Fluffyumpkins
A message from OKC.
no im mean your a fucking idiot ;)
I think she likes me.

Re: Internet dating *or* grasping for love at end of one's rope

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 9:26 pm
by Fluffyumpkins
Let me tell you, i've sifted through some real goons on okc. i've read profile after profile in the hopes that one will stand out. You are fucking funny, my friend.
Honestly that's one of the nicest things I've ever heard from a total stranger.

So here's new OKC strats. This one is inspired by IndyDDR's very own Riot. Keep in mind Riot managed to snag a lady right out of high school, and put a ring on it early. Whenever I post something on Facebook, IRC, or IndyDDR, Riot finds the thing I'd be most self-conscious about having posted and makes fun of me for it. I'm doing the same on OKC, only phrasing it as a question. Response rates have been around 70% with this tactic. This is obviously because who fucking knows why. Either way, I've had way more luck than when sending something heartfelt and meaningful.

Is Riot flirting with me? Is Riot teaching me to love? Does Riot neg Meg?