What song are you listening to right now?

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Post by BigBadOrc » Fri Aug 10, 2007 2:08 pm

Pheonixguy wrote:
BigBadOrc wrote: Halo owns. that's why it's more popular=)
haha does that make guitar hero better than, for example, itg? pump?

i think not
a good point. however.. if itg and pump are so good.. and are widely considered to be good excercise... then why don't more people play?

perhaps part of it is the ease of learning factor - they should have made pumps interface easier to learn and neither should fail you at all. i've seen lots of beginners get up to play, fail the first song, and just walk away probably thinking "i'm just not coordinated enough"
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Post by elcuebee » Fri Aug 10, 2007 2:51 pm

danc1005 wrote:
liquidblue aka DBV wrote: EDIT: and that m1dy compared to any pop group, ever, is like comparing unreal tournament to halo.

aka, the former owns, the latter sucks.
Wow. You must be joking. I guess you enjoy listening to speaker-destroying pure NOISE?

And for the record, I rarely play Halo and made that sn in like 7th grade.
I'm not joking, you just don't posess the ability to split music apart in your head into seperate channels.

What I mean by this is that me, and most of my friends in my area, can hear each seperate track in speedcore songs; we can hear the individual drums/each beat, each synthesizer, each noise/track and thus the song sounds nowhere near garbage or speaker destroying noise.

It actually sounds pretty damn beautiful, like a symphony sped up and WAY more intense. most normal music bores the hell out of me now because it's so damn boring, just tap tap tap tap on the hi-hat with a bass drum hit on 1 and 3 and snare on 2 and 4 with a cymbal crash every 4th time.
BigBadOrc wrote: Halo owns. that's why it's more popular=)
First off, Halo has got to be one of the most boring, slow, simplistic games i've ever seen, and it just boggles my mind how it's became like a cultural icon.

Unreal Tournament 99, Starsiege Tribes, for two good examples, blow it out of the water.

UT99 has speed (at least 2-3X faster than halo), super reflexes are needed, the weapons are mostly balanced, the maps are FAR more entertaining, Assault missions are awesome, there's none of this shield garbage and recharging life (that's for campers), etc.

Starsiege Tribes has more complexity than any other FPS to date (i can argue this rock-solid, it's not even opinion, it's fact), and takes wayyyy more skill to play at even a decent level than Halo would take to play at a skilled level.

Yes, you say Halo is just a fun party game and it doesn't take much to pick up and play and that's fine. Mario Party is that way too, but you don't see people touting Mario Party as being the end-all of FPS games like it was some messiah as people do Halo, which is why i say Halo sucks and it's not really that great at all.

Basically, from what I can assume from this, people dont' like to challenge themselves or play anything that REALLY tests their reflexes/mental skills/is complex, which leads me to my next point;

85% of people in the world are sheep, and just follow/do whatever mainstream media tells them.

Justin Timberlake or Linkin Park is probably more "popular" right now than the Beatles. Does this make them better? Hell no.

On the same side, i'm not trying to say that because I listen to m1dy and porcupine tree and mogwai and devin townsend and etc. that my music is BETTER, i'm saying that my music is better than those bands *because it's better IMO* regardless of it's popularity.

Saying something is "good" because it's "popular" is extremely retarded.

Popularity is one of the worst indicators you can go by nowadays in terms of whether something is good or not. Very rarely does popularity ACTUALLY indicate something's fun anymore (at least to me, it doesn't).

For example, every single celebrity i've ever heard talk about a video game mentions they play one of these games;

-GTA series
-Halo series
-Pac Man
-Mario series
-Sonic (extremely rare)
-Fight Night

that's it. I will bet you *my house* that you can't find a celebrity in pop culture media who doesn't work in the game industry in some way, who says that say, they like Geometry Wars, or Boom Boom Rocket, or so on.

(and for the record, i hate Fight Night, Madden, Halo, Zelda, and Pokemon.)
(GTA is decent.)
(and every single Sonic game since Sonic CD/Sonic 3 + Knuckles has blown, HARD.)
BigBadOrc wrote: a good point. however.. if itg and pump are so good.. and are widely considered to be good excercise... then why don't more people play?
Because ITG is like, in maybe 200 arcades in the entire nation, and that's stretching it, and PIU is even rarer; in all of California we have like, five or something.
BigBadOrc wrote:perhaps part of it is the ease of learning factor - they should have made pumps interface easier to learn and neither should fail you at all. i've seen lots of beginners get up to play, fail the first song, and just walk away probably thinking "i'm just not coordinated enough"
Pump's interface is something a baby could learn, they explain it to you right off the bat when you press start and pick any mode besides expert, and PIU doesn't fail you on the first song unless you just walk off the machine.

ITG is a hard game. period. Also i'm pretty sure on some machines it doesn't even fail you on the first song either, depending on settings.

And you know what? They *AREN'T* co-ordinated enough. NO ONE is the first time they play ANY dancing game, that's why you have to train yourself.

See, this is the type of thing right here i'm talking about. Sorry to tell you, but this is why Japan (and many other countries) are kicking our ass in technology, overall IQ of the population, and longevity in life. (suicide rate too, but eh)


Americans now have this completely retarded, backwards additude where we try to make it as easy on ourselves as possible and never try to further ourselves, never try to surpass our limits, never try to push forward past what we've been able to do before, because we'd rather just take the easy road and not have to work at it.

I played DDR back in 2000 and I sucked at it. DDR is cake compared to ITG, but I must have blown 100 dollars on it in that first week just trying to get up to heavy level.

I did, and now throughout the years, i've gotten as good as I am; if the machine would have just let me pass all of the songs I wanted to and didn't auto-fail me, I would have put no effort towards the game, would have sucked, and would have gotten bored easily.

When you play a fighting game, do you expect to like, get tickets if you lose? Or do you expect to pass your driver's license test when you deck a phone booth? No, because you outright failed. The game fails you because you failed, and you need to train yourself more; not be gaven a pacifier.

If you can't get any better, then DDR/ITG/PIU's not for you, and i'm sure there's other things you'd be better at, but that's just the way it goes. I've always wanted to be good at the guitar, piano, drawing with pen/pencil, and be big and buff to be able to play football, but i can't do any of those, because it's just not in me, and I have to accept that.

If you can't do something, you shouldn't expect something to give you the easy way out, because you still can't do it for real, it's just a pacifier.


I'm not trying to be a dick with this post, but really, it's this type of thinking that just burns me, because personally, I always put 100% effort into my work and hobbies, etc.

Also the thing about popularity burns me because really, that's just stupid thinking. At one point the KKK was popular, would you have followed it because it was popular? What about Nazi's? etc.

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Post by danc1005 » Fri Aug 10, 2007 5:38 pm

I guess I'm just not up to your brain level to be able to listen to m1dy and not want to kill myself...

As for the popularity thing, I don't do things because they're popular. I listen to Justin Timberlake because I like his music. I also listen to The Avalanches and a bunch of other stuff that a lot of people have never heard of. I have very varied tastes, and I'm not going to NOT like something just because it's popular.
As far as Halo goes, I don't play it to be GOOD at it. I don't play anything to brag about being good at a game that's uber hard or anything. I play it because it's relaxing and I can play it with my friends. Same with music. It's not the ONLY thing I'm doing at the time, I don't want some crap that I have to focus on to enjoy.

As far as the rest of your statements about Americans never pushing themselves and being culturally/intellectually/fundamentally BACKWARDS (for the most part), I completely and wholeheartedly agree.

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Post by elcuebee » Fri Aug 10, 2007 6:58 pm

danc1005 wrote:I guess I'm just not up to your brain level to be able to listen to m1dy and not want to kill myself...
brain level? I know people who failed out of math 80 in college who can "split/analyze" the music better than I can.

it's not about intelligence, it's about dexterity of your mind, flexibility, being able to listen to many seperate things at once, and hear them seperately, then being able to combine them while still hearing them seperately.

this doesn't make much sense unless you can do it though, but if you can, trust me, that's what it feels like. I'd suggest playing some drums, it seems drummers have the best talent at being able to split a song into seperate parts.

EDIT: You say that it makes you want to go nuts when you hear this stuff, and i think it's because all of the loud noise and many seperate channels of instruments coming at you are too much to handle because you're focusing on them all at once and trying to keep them away.

Whereas with me, I enjoy loud noise, people tapping on desks and their hands and playing extremely loud music or doing repetitive noises is actually kind of enjoyable to me because i add my own beat to it in my mind.

(this is why I can troll on counterstrike, because what annoys most people, I actually enjoy)
danc1005 wrote:As for the popularity thing, I don't do things because they're popular. I listen to Justin Timberlake because I like his music. I also listen to The Avalanches and a bunch of other stuff that a lot of people have never heard of.
Avalanches played on my radio at least five times this month, so i wouldn't call them "never heard of". I've also heard people around my campus talk about them too, etc.
danc1005 wrote:I have very varied tastes, and I'm not going to NOT like something just because it's popular.
I gotta say, I haven't seen any evidence for this yet...
danc1005 wrote:As far as Halo goes, I don't play it to be GOOD at it. I don't play anything to brag about being good at a game that's uber hard or anything. I play it because it's relaxing and I can play it with my friends. Same with music. It's not the ONLY thing I'm doing at the time, I don't want some crap that I have to focus on to enjoy.
So you're not competitive at all when you play halo, and you don't care if you lose at all? Why play then? I'm not saying you should strive to be the best, but honestly, if you're playing it against friends, that's being competitive, so you do care at least that much to put in effort to win.

What do you mean focus on to enjoy? I listen to m1dy to focus, same for most speedcore/heavy metal, it gets me energized and i work much faster and efficiently than i would have before. It's not always the same for people i'll admit, I usually talk to friends while I play DDR because at this point it doesn't take any concentration unless i'm doing something super hard.

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Post by Potter » Fri Aug 10, 2007 7:40 pm

Riot wrote:My hair alone is like 5mb.
Merk wrote:Badyyyyy.. wanna go fiiiish? wanna go.... fiiiiIIIIIIIIIIIIsh?? Wanna go fishin'?!?!?! Him's a Badyyyy

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Post by Jizzon » Fri Aug 10, 2007 8:14 pm

Potter wrote:MUSICAL ELITISM!!!
No kidding. Keep this on topic please.
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Post by elcuebee » Fri Aug 10, 2007 10:10 pm

Potter wrote:MUSICAL ELITISM!!!
really? please show me where; if anything, I was trying to *debunk* musical elitism by saying that just because something is popular does not mean it's good.

i.e. saying that my band owns yours does not give it automatic "ownage" properties; while i may FEEL that m1dy is better than justin timberlake, what i was trying to point out was that danc did not take m1dy's music and seperate it mentally like i did, so it's completely visible why he just heard "noise".

believe it or not, i actually like KT Tunstall.

i'll not discuss it anymore though to stay on topic.

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Post by Potter » Fri Aug 10, 2007 10:16 pm

Riot wrote:My hair alone is like 5mb.
Merk wrote:Badyyyyy.. wanna go fiiiish? wanna go.... fiiiiIIIIIIIIIIIIsh?? Wanna go fishin'?!?!?! Him's a Badyyyy

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Post by danc1005 » Sat Aug 11, 2007 9:44 am

Potter wrote:gb2CA

I'm out of this argument.

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Post by BigBadOrc » Sat Aug 11, 2007 3:27 pm

listening to Old Man's Child - The Soul Receiver

@liquidblue aka DBV - thanks for giving the long lecture on sheep and why americans are stupid.. not sure why you pulled the KKK and nazi's out of your ass though..

I think its funny how you're so nonconformist, but at the same time you don't seem to tolerate opinions differing from your own (I'm talking about your apparently random bashing of halo and justin timberlake.) It's a matter of opinion, you don't need to write a dissertation on the subject.

And as to the whole popularity thing, you're confusing music and politics. I certainly wouldn't vote for someone *just* because he was popular, but popularity means a lot in terms of business. For example, it determines how much the artists and producers get paid. It determines whether they make sequels. In fact, popularity is what that whole free market economy thing is based on. It's not a perfect indicator of how good something is... but I'm not going to listen to every noname band on the planet just to give them a fair chance. They can prove themselves on other people first.
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Post by elcuebee » Sat Aug 11, 2007 3:37 pm

BigBadOrc wrote:listening to Old Man's Child - The Soul Receiver

@liquidblue aka DBV - thanks for giving the long lecture on sheep and why americans are stupid.. not sure why you pulled the KKK and nazi's out of your ass though..
Thanks for not reading the post, i made it pretty clear why i said that
BigBadOrc wrote:I think its funny how you're so nonconformist, but at the same time you don't seem to tolerate opinions differing from your own (I'm talking about your apparently random bashing of halo and justin timberlake.) It's a matter of opinion, you don't need to write a dissertation on the subject.
Thanks for not reading the post, I made it pretty clear that it wasn't random bashing, I hate halo because it's a slow, simplistic, and overall not-fun game besides just a casual game every now and then, yet people have elevated it to the status of perfection such as pac-man, sonic, and mario are.

Justin timberlake's songs all sound essentially the same, pop music in general is boring to me because the beats make me fall asleep due to simplicity. Life should be complex, life should be interesting, doing the same simple rhythms over and over gets boring quick (to me personally).

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Post by WhiteDragon » Sat Aug 11, 2007 5:38 pm

Foo Fighters - The Pretender

Definitely looking forwards to this album! :)
Original Sin wrote:Besides, this is IndyDDR...honestly. What do you expect?

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Post by danc1005 » Sat Aug 11, 2007 5:43 pm

The only reason Pac-Man, Sonic, and Mario are elevated to a "status of perfection" is because they were uber-popular and everybody played them.

It takes just as much skill to play Halo professionally as any other video game.

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Post by SoDeepPolaris » Sat Aug 11, 2007 6:24 pm

Kanye West - Stronger
I really love CS:GO's 64 tick servers.

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Post by elcuebee » Sat Aug 11, 2007 10:09 pm

danc1005 wrote:The only reason Pac-Man, Sonic, and Mario are elevated to a "status of perfection" is because they were uber-popular and everybody played them.
No, it was because they're classics, because there's almost no flaw to them. I can go back and play Pacman, Mario, or Sonic for hours, years, decades after they've been released, and they're still just as fun.

On the other hand, I guarentee you that 10 years from now, a much smaller margin of people will be playing Halo or consider it "a classic".
dance1005 wrote:It takes just as much skill to play Halo professionally as any other video game.
You just lost all credibility right there.

Not going to respond to anymore of your posts, that was possibly the most innaccurate statement here.

Come back to me when you realize that playing say, Starsiege Tribes at a professional level, is leagues, eons harder to do than to play Halo "professionally".

Same goes for;

-Guitar Hero
-All music games in general
-All mainstream fighting games (CvS2, 3S, MvC2, Tekken series, Melty Blood, Guilty Gear, Virtua Fighter)

And don't even get me started on Shm'ups. Playing something like DoDonPachi Dai-Ou-Jou at a competitive level is equal to playing all of those games just listed above at the same time in terms of skill required, basically. (exaggerated some but you get it)

I would love to see even 5% of "professional" Halo players have enough skill to pass Bloodrush doubles on ITG.


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